Reply To: OCU C)DFE D Week 03 Devotion
IST2901 Digital Forensic Examiner
Week Three
Assignment #1
WK3 Devotional
Kevin Mehok
Hey Class,
Well, I am super-duper guilty of this one, as this week’s devotional asked us to describe a time that we have put other things before our faith. I have put work and school so many times above all things. I clearly honor and serve God. I attend a Christian University, but I so often put all that I am in my work and into my studies. I find myself studying way more than praying or reading the Bible. I find myself meeting work deadlines and measuring KPIs / SLAs more often than I am devoting time to God. I admit it, I need to do better. I will be done in two more weeks, so maybe can at least remove school as a blocker. I understand and realize that I must do better, but I cannot slack in my studies, and I must remain focused. I do ask the Lord to guide me and be with me during my studies. I also pray for God’s guidance on the job and within my leadership. I am very grateful for the Lord, but I am very guilty of putting work and school before many things in my life, including the time I devote to the creator.
God Bless,