Mile2 Cybersecurity Certifications

Cybersecurity Certifications

Reply To: OCU C)SP A Week 01 Lesson 03 Discussion

Syerra Metzler

There are many ways that mobile devices can be attacked, especially with the technology advancement in 2022. One of the most common potential risks that are associated with mobile devices for 2022 are malicious apps. Tic Toc, for example, is one of the most common and well known apps in the world. However, the app has been accused of spying on the American people. The American’s claim is that the Chinese government has been using to app, Tic Toc, to collect data off of the mobile device that the user is on. If there is any app that is collecting data and information from the user, then their information can be taken and sold on the black web for malicious intent like identity fraud. Another risk that all mobile device users have to be aware of are phishing attacks. These are usually emails that are sent to anyone that the attacker can get an address of and send the victim a malicious link. Many times, victims of these attacks are not aware that the link will lead them to malware that will allow the attack access to their information and the device that they clicked the link on.


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