Mile2 Cybersecurity Certifications

Cybersecurity Certifications

Reply To: OCU C)NP A Week 03 Lesson 05 Discussion


The first wireless LAN standard is the 802.11a wifi standard that premiered in 1997. Working on a 5 GHz frequency, this standard was useful for industrial applications. It uses MAC addresses similar to ethernet frames for it’s allocations and organization of traffic. Due to the common frequency in use, microwave ovens, cordless phones, and bluetooth can cause interference in rare occasions.
The second wireless LAN standard is 802.11p. This standard is used specially for dedicated short range communications. This is from a government project (The Department of Transportation) from the previous communications access for land mobiles. The practical applications for this standard are primarily communication between motor vehicles and roadside checkpoints. One example that comes to mind are toll booths and the EZpass transponders that many cars and trucks use.


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