Reply To: OCU C)NP A Week 05 Lesson 10 Discussion
The three networking policies are users changing their passwords on a regular basis. Attackers can often work out the new password if they have the old one. And users, forced to change another password, will often choose a ‘weaker’ one that they do not forget. A hacker may attempt to access your account more than once over a period. Changing your password often reduces the risk that they will have frequent access. Second is users cannot connect unauthorized equipment to the network, such as USB memory sticks, smartphones, and tablets. The most well-known security risk associated with USB flash devices arises when the device is misplaced and 90 percent of employees utilize USB drives in the workplace, they are an attractive target for cybercriminals. Lastly, level of access is given, which allows only authorized users to access sensitive data and a regular backup procedure is in place. They are also known as security labels, permissions, roles, rights, or privileges. Access levels are often used to determine whether someone should be able to view certain documents or perform certain tasks.