Mile2 Cybersecurity Certifications

Cybersecurity Certifications

Reply To: OCU C)HT D Discussion Lesson 03

Matt McShane

When the PSU(power supply unit) fails to function properly, there are certain hints and actions to take to fix this issue. When it comes to flags about the computer itself, notice if there are any errors in the memory, failure in the system, or if the pc fails to start up at all. There are two methods to testing a psu so the symptoms fail to show up continually: the manual test with a multimeter and a specific power supply tool. When using this method, first make sure the computer is shut off and then detach all cables from the chassis. An easier method is the power supply tester, which takes a few steps: first needs the pc to be completely off, detach all cords from their components and the motherboard, and then attach the ATX 24 and ATX 4 into the tester. Make sure the recordings match a successful test and then plug in your cords again.


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