Mile2 Cybersecurity Certifications

Cybersecurity Certifications

Security Awareness Training

for your entire organization


Mile2 Cyber Security Certification

Don't let unaware people be weak links in your cybersecurity plan!

Mile2 Cyber Security Certification

Turn your employees into Awareness Heroes!

In any organization, people are the most vulnerable point of entry for data security breaches. After 5 years of research, it became pretty clear that people, whether it’s through accidental or intentional introduction of malware, represent the single most common point of failure in terms of security vulnerabilities.

First, they click on an email that appears to come from a coworker. Then, as instructed in the email, click a link to download a ‘memo’ or ‘document from HR’.  All of the sudden, malware is introduced an IT spends hours hunting down the source and desperately trying to protect sensitive data. Mile2 overs over 30 cybersecurity certification courses from Foundational to Advanced learners. Turn everyone in your organization that operates a computer into an AWARENESS HERO!

Keep track of their progress with our MACS Learning Management System

Our state of the art LMS is SCORM compliant and gives managers and instructors the ability to track individual student’s progress.  We can adjust the settings so that leaders can receive automatic updates and notifications when a student reaches a milestone or passes a course.


Mile2 Assessment & Certification System

Certifications for every level of management

Our courses use a powerful, SCORM compliant Learning Management System so you can track how your employees are doing!

Mile2 Cyber Security Certification

Real time stats

Both you and your employees can track their progress through each course. And once they pass the exam, they receive their certificate and you receive a notification!

Mile2 Cyber Security Certification

Flexible Self-Paced Certifications

Our Ultimate Combo packages have everything your people need to earn a certification in any of the over 30 courses Mile2 offers. Each combo includes workbooks, exam, access to cyber range, and videos. With their private login your employees can study from anywhere there is an internet connection!

Mile2 Cyber Security Certification

Live Classroom-Based Events

In our Guaranteed to Run Live Virtual classes, attendees get the benefit of a live teacher from any location that has an internet connection. Be it a conference room, boardroom or living room, students work through the course with an INFOSEC professional in the field they are studying! Additionally, Mile2 can facilitate live classes at YOUR location! Contact us for more information.

Mile2 Cyber Security Certification

Student Search Database

Once a student passes a certification, they can be found in our online database. Search a student's name and their certification qualifications are displayed. A great way to verify credentials!


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