Mile2 Cybersecurity Certifications

Cybersecurity Certifications

Reply To: OCU C)ISSO D Discussion Lesson 09

Marcena Davis

Week 3 Lesson 9:
In reviewing the challenges of different topologies, choose two types of topologies and discuss how a security officer could work with these challenges so that they minimally affect the company.

Two types of network topologies that present unique challenges for security officers are the mesh topology and the ring topology.

In a mesh topology, each node is connected to every other node, creating multiple redundant paths for data. This redundancy can make it difficult to monitor and control network traffic, particularly in the event of an attack or breach. To mitigate this challenge, security officers can implement network segmentation, which involves dividing the network into smaller, more manageable segments. This allows for better control and monitoring of traffic flow, as well as limiting the scope of any potential breach.

Another strategy for addressing the challenges of a mesh topology is to implement access controls, such as firewalls, to regulate traffic between different segments of the network. This can help prevent unauthorized access and reduce the risk of a breach spreading throughout the entire network.

In a ring topology, data is transmitted in a circular pattern, with each node receiving and forwarding data to the next node in the ring. While this topology can be efficient, it presents a risk of network failure if any single node in the ring fails. To mitigate this risk, security officers can implement redundant links and backup devices, which can automatically take over in the event of a failure. Regular testing and maintenance can also help ensure that these measures are functioning properly and minimize the risk of network downtime.

Security officers can work with the challenges of mesh and ring topologies by implementing network segmentation, access controls, redundant links, backup devices, and regular testing. It is important for security officers to regularly assess the network and implement appropriate measures to minimize security risks. By taking these steps, security officers can help ensure the security and reliability of the network, while minimizing the impact of any potential breaches or failures on the company.


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