Mile2 Cybersecurity Certifications

Cybersecurity Certifications

Reply To: OCU C)ISSO D Discussion Lesson 16

Marcena Davis

Hey Kevin,

I couldn’t agree more with your focus on prevention and situational awareness this week. Assessing risks and potential scenarios is crucial to stay ahead of any unforeseen events. Being proactive and discussing risks as a team is a great way to ensure everyone is on the same page and ready to respond effectively.

I share your enthusiasm for security controls, especially encryption. Identifying sensitive information and encrypting it is a key step in safeguarding data. Encryption adds an extra layer of protection, making it harder for unauthorized individuals to access confidential intel.

Preparing for disaster recovery is a must-have in any organization. Restoring core systems quickly is vital to minimize downtime and maintain business continuity. The coordination and communication between teams and units play a critical role in developing effective recovery procedures. It’s like a well-choreographed dance where everyone knows their part.

Ah, training! It’s amazing how much we can learn from those childhood drills. Just as we practiced tornado and fire drills in school, organizations should conduct regular and unplanned drills. These exercises help teams familiarize themselves with the procedures and simulate real-life disaster scenarios. The more we practice as a team, the better equipped we’ll be to handle actual emergencies.

Timeliness is indeed crucial when it comes to disaster recovery. Having a formal plan or plans in place is essential, but executing them swiftly is equally important. The faster we can restore our organizations, the sooner we can get back on track and minimize the impact of any incident.


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