Mile2 Cybersecurity Certifications

Cybersecurity Certifications

Reply To: OCU C)SP A Week 01 Lesson 02 Discussion

Syerra Metzler

Some of the security policies that should be in place for a competent incident response within a company or organization are the separations of duties, least privilege, and ongoing security. Separations of duties is a great way to split up the work between a group of people so that not only one person is taking on the burden of securing the company or organization. The other benefit of the separations of duties is that there are multiple people looking at the best way to secure the business or if there was an incident that need to be addressed, then the team would be able to work together in order for the crisis to be averted efficiently and quickly. Least privilege is another great way to make sure that only the people that need to know of the incident are able to work with the team to fix the issue. Least privilege allows only the qualified people who need to know of the issue to be able to result the issue without the whole company getting distracted or working on different things to solve the one incident. Finally, having ongoing security before, during, and after an incident is the best security policy that a company can implement because of it is a great way to prepare for an incident and getting the company back on task. Ongoing security should always important so that the company has less of a risk of getting attacked and an incident ever occurring.


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