Mile2 Cybersecurity Certifications

Cybersecurity Certifications

Reply To: OCU C)NP A Week 02 Lesson 03 Discussion

Ashly Jackson

There are three main types of network protocols: These include network management protocols, network communication protocols, and network security protocols. Network Management Protocol Purpose Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is an Internet standard protocol for collecting and organizing information about managed devices on an IP network and for modifying this information to change the behavior of the devices. is. Devices that typically support SNMP include cable modems, routers, switches, servers, workstations, printers, and more. The purpose of a network communications protocol is to define a set of protocols (that is, rules and standards) that enable network communications or internetworking to enable application programs to communicate with each other, regardless of the hardware or operating system on which they run. is. Ultimately, network security protocols are the rules and procedures that govern the secure transmission of data over computer networks. These protocols ensure that hackers, viruses, and other unauthorized persons or systems cannot access other people’s personal data and information. Network security protocols are network protocols that ensure the integrity and security of data sent over network connections. The specific network security protocols used depend on the type of data being protected and the network connection. A good network security system can help your business reduce the risk of data theft and sabotage. Network security helps protect your workstation from harmful spyware. It also ensures that your shared data remains secure.


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