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Reply To: OCU C)HT B Devotion 05

Addison West

I recently learned in my Old Testament class about three different kings. The first king was King Saul, he was known as the king with no heart. Next was King David he was the king with a whole heart. Lastly was King Solomon he was the king with half a heart. We discussed how when Saul was first anointed king, he did well but shortly become an ungodly tyrant. Saul did not give any of his heart to God. He believed he could live his life separate from God. King David was not perfect, but he was a man after God’s heart. His reign was characterized by blessings, until he committed sins. David put his entire heart to and for God. Last, we have King Solomon. When he became king he built a temple for God, but also had a palace built for himself. He lived for God but at the same time wanted to ensure he kept himself comfortable instead of relying on God. Right now, I feel that I am like King Solomon. I identify as a Christian and say that I love God, but sometimes my actions don’t always match my words. I hope to eventually have a heart like King David to give all of to God.


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