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OCU C)HT A Devotion 02

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    • #63210
      Jessica Jagerson

      MATTHEW 12 – GOT NEED?

      “Have you not read what David did when he was hungry, he and those who were with him: how he entered the house of God and ate the showbread which was not lawful for him to eat, nor for those who were with him, but only for the priests”? (Matthew 12:3-4/1 Samuel 21)

      David and his men are running for their lives. In a jealous rage, Saul is in hot pursuit of David, God’s anointed one. David runs where he knows it’s safe, the tabernacle – the house of God. At the doorway, David is met by the high priest with provision – the shewbread and a sword.

      The fresh bread renewed David’s strength. The sword that is now in his possession quickens the spirit of the vagabond king! For in his hand is not just any weapon but the sword of Goliath, the giant he sleighed many years ago!

      Although David was seeking only a safe haven, God provided so much more than that; physical sustenance and a weapon of warfare.


      Is satan in hot pursuit of your soul? Do you feel overwhelmed with satan’s blitzkrieg? Or do you feel helpless under his spell?

      Then run where it’s safe, under the shadow of the great captain of our salvation, the Lord Jesus Christ! He will sustain you and defend you with the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God! – for He has conquered both death and hell! Run to Him!!!

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