Mile2 Cybersecurity Certifications

Cybersecurity Certifications

Partner Webinar Survey

Webinar Topics Survey for Partners
Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey. Mile2 will be hosting a series of webinars this fall for our partners. We want these webinars to address your most pressing needs. Please fill out the form below so that we know which topics are most important to you. We will use this information to plan our schedule. Look for an email in a week or so letting you know the date and time of the first webinar as well as the topic.

Please select your interest in hearing about the topics below during a Live Webinar with Mile2 staff

Not InterestedSomewhat InterestedInterestedVery InterestedExtremely Interested
Navigating the Partner Portal
Not Interested
Somewhat Interested
Very Interested
Extremely Interested
Not InterestedSomewhat InterestedInterestedVery InterestedExtremely Interested
Understanding the Learning Management System
Not Interested
Somewhat Interested
Very Interested
Extremely Interested
Not InterestedSomewhat InterestedInterestedVery InterestedExtremely Interested
Reviewing New Products and Updates
Not Interested
Somewhat Interested
Very Interested
Extremely Interested
Not InterestedSomewhat InterestedInterestedVery InterestedExtremely Interested
Mile2 Certified Instructor Explained
Not Interested
Somewhat Interested
Very Interested
Extremely Interested
Not InterestedSomewhat InterestedInterestedVery InterestedExtremely Interested
Selling to Colleges and Universities
Not Interested
Somewhat Interested
Very Interested
Extremely Interested
Is there another topic you would like addressed during a Mile2 Webinar?


Please Note:

The support ticket system is for technical questions and post-sale issues.


If you have pre-sale questions please use our chat feature or email .