Mile2 Cybersecurity Certifications

Cybersecurity Certifications


ATC Combo Packages


You will receive a unique voucher code(s) via the email address connected to your account. This voucher code(s) should be passed on to your student so that they can receive their learning materials.

You will also be able to view voucher code numbers in your profile under “Coupons”.

The vouchers are coded to work with the “Redeem a Voucher” product on the “Redeem a Voucher Page”

Instructions for your student are included with the email you will receive with the voucher codes.

The PDF with Voucher Redemption instructions can also be found here.

When your student redeems their voucher, the following applicable course materials will be loaded to their account.

1.   Online Course Video
2.   E-Book
3.   Exam Simulator
4.   Exam Prep
5.   Exam

*Cyber Range Labs sold separately

Want a discount? Become a member!
This product can only be purchased by members. To purchase this product, sign up by purchasing ATC Annual Subscription.

SKU: ATCUC13927 Category:


Ready to run an on-site class at your location?

When you purchase the Live Class e-Kit Voucher, your student can use it to purchase any Ultimate Combo which will include:

1.   Individual Course Access

2.   Online Course Video

3.   E-Book(s)

4.   Exam Simulator

5.   Exam Prep

6.   Exam


NOTE: Cyber Range Access is NOT included.


Please Note:

The support ticket system is for technical questions and post-sale issues.


If you have pre-sale questions please use our chat feature or email .