Mile2 Cybersecurity Certifications

Cybersecurity Certifications


Redeem a Masterskill Premium E-Kit Voucher


1. Select the course name for which you would like to use the voucher.
2. On the cart page enter your voucher code into the “redeem a voucher” field.
3. Course access is good for 12 months.

Need help selecting a course?  Check out our Role-Based Career Map

SKU: UC00028004-33-1-2 Category:


Redeem a Masterskill Premium E-Kit Voucher

1. Select the course name for which you would like to use the voucher.
2. On the cart page enter your voucher code into the “redeem a voucher” field.
3. Course access is good for 12 months.

Need help selecting a course?  Check out our Role-Based Career Map


Additional information

Course Selection

C)CSA: Cybersecurity Analyst, C)CSFO: Cybersecurity Framework Officer, C)CSO: Certified Cloud Security Officer, C)CSSA: Certified Cybersecurity Systems Auditor, C)CSSM: Certified Cybersecurity Systems Manager, C)DFE: Certified Digital Forensics Examiner, C)DRE: Certified Disaster Recovery Engineer, C)HISSP: Certified Healthcare IS Security Practitioner, C)HT: Certified Hardware Technician, C)IHE: Certified Incident Handling Engineer, C)ISMS-LA/LI: Information Security Management Systems – LA/LI, C)ISRM: Certified Information Systems Risk Manager, C)ISSO: Certified Information Systems Security Officer, C)ITP: Information Technology Principles, C)NFE: Certified Networks Forensics Examiner, C)NP: Certified Network Principles, C)OST: Certified Operating Systems Technician, C)PEH: Certified Professional Ethical Hacker, C)PSH: Certified PowerShell Hacker, C)PTC: Certified Penetration Testing Consultant, C)PTE: Certified Penetration Testing Engineer, C)RMFA: Certified Risk Management Framework Analyst, C)SA1: Certified Security Awareness 1, C)SA2: Certified Security Awareness 2, C)SLO: Certified Security Leadership Officer, C)SP: Certified Security Principles, C)SWAE: Certified Secure Web Application Engineer, C)TIA: Certified Threat Intelligence Analyst, C)VA: Certified Vulnerability Assessor, IS18 Controls, RED-BLUE: Red vs Blue Cyber Warfare


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