Mile2 Cybersecurity Certifications

Cybersecurity Certifications

Reply To: OCU C)NP A Week 04 Lesson 07 Discussion


The proxy firewall is one control that will harden a network against attacks. The proxy firewall uses a false IP address that is exposed to the outside internet. This creates a middle man that will cut contact with a client or server that is not trustworthy. The proxy firewall is stronger than simple packet filtering as it provides an extra layer of protection. But it is weaker than other more advanced forms of firewalls employed to protect networks from cyber attacks.
Data deletion is a control that also helps harden a network from bad actors. Keeping around old sensitive data creates a liability for the network overseer. Deletion of data can be completed in a handful of ways. These include, encryption, the scrambling of the data so it would need to be decoded to be useful. Physical destruction, physically destroying the disk or drive that the information is stored on, this is the easiest way to ensure that nothing can be recovered. And overwriting the data, or copying new information over the previous data on the hard drive.


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