Mile2 Cybersecurity Certifications

Cybersecurity Certifications

Reply To: OCU C)NP A Week 05 Devotion

Ashly Jackson

Like sheep who know their shepherd, so the children of God, who are the sheep of God’s pasture, will know the voice of God as the Good Shepherd (John 10:27). As we spend time praying to God, waiting on Him, reading and listening to His holy words in the Bible, we begin to know His voice. Like sheep who know their shepherd, God’s children, the sheep of God’s pasture, will recognize God’s voice as the voice of the Good Shepherd (John 10:27). As we spend time praying to God, waiting on Him, and reading and listening to His holy words in the Bible, we begin to recognize His voice. Jesus took pity on them and touched their eyes. They could see it right away! Then they followed him. So Jesus took pity on them and touched their eyes. Immediately their eyes received sight, and they followed Jesus. Jesus had humble beginnings. Jesus was born into a carpenter’s family and came from a poor family of day laborers. This means that Jesus knew what it was like to live in poverty, to be hungry, to be destitute. Although Jesus is the Son of God, He chose to come to earth as an ordinary human being, just like you and me.


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