“This people draws near to me with their mouths, and honors me with their lips; but their hearts are far from me”.
Matthew 15:8
Modern-day cultural Christianity has produced some of the biggest names Christendom has made within church history. These super-star pastors boast of what appears to be the blessings of God. These blessings seem to affirm their belief as they point to their large sanctuaries dressed with expensive lights and technology. They point to their grand buildings and their large number of members that can hardly contain sports arenas. Their focus is concert-like music and the message that God loves you.
Although God is love and is calling, this is just one side of the coin to a holy God. The reality is that God is just as much righteous as He is love. And that His righteousness demands punishment towards unrepented sin from His creation, whom He loves.
Unfortunately, the former message of love is much more popular than that of the latter; the judgment of unrepented sin. And because of this sobering reality, we have many so-called Christians profess with their mouth that they know God’s love, but in their hearts, they reject God’s holiness and His hatred for man’s sin. And because of this, many confessing Christians’ are very distant from the Lord they profess to know and love.
Do you identify yourself as a Christian? If so, do you hate sin as much as you profess to love God? If not, ask as King David did in the books of Psalms 50:10, “Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.”
And only then can your Christian profession be genuine