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OCU C)ISSO D Devotion 01

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    • #84189
      Manny Varela


      “Now John was clothed with camel’s hair and wore a leather belt around his waist and ate locusts and wild honey. 7 And he preached, saying, “After me comes he who is mightier than I, the strap of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie. 8 I have baptized you with water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.” (Mark 1:6-8)

      The commencement of God’s kingdom did not entail glamour or a visible spectacle of lights. The setting of Mark one lacks all the visual glories many church stages attempt to capture – the lights, the numbers, the awe-inspiring music. Instead, it was quite the opposite – as the gospel of Mark is introduced with John the Baptist, a vagabond servant.

       John is described as one who was “clothed with camel’s hair and wore a leather belt around his waist and ate locusts and wild honey.” Perhaps, John is not much to look at. Perhaps, John does not have much to boast of. Perhaps, John lacks all the modern-day accolades one would expect from a prophesied messenger who was to introduce the Messiah, the Son of the living God.

       Although John may have fallen short of one’s glorious expectations and political influence, God appointed him to introduce the most powerful person. It was a simple man that God chose to present the most dynamic message in the history of humanity as he declared that “He [Jesus] will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.” 



      God introduced his Son to man in a most humble demonstration. At first, what was perceived by the elites as a nuisance and a vagabond at best was the introduction of their savior. What would initially be dismissed as small and insignificant became the most powerful message to man’s ears and demonstration to the world. All this was done in simple garments of camel hair and leather.

      It is a misconception that God only uses influential or specially gifted people to do big things for God. Fortunately, that is quite contrary to God’s word. God uses small and insignificant things to change the world. “But God chose the foolish things of the world, that he might put to shame them that are wise; and God chose the weak things of the world, that he might put to shame the things that are strong” (1 Corinthians 1:27)

       Feel small? Great — God can use you in a most spectacular way. Are you ready? God is waiting. RPF

    • #84847

      I love your devotion here. I love that you said “The commencement of God’s kingdom did not entail glamour…..” This is so true. ~Dr. Anthony

    • #84853
      Kelly Crooks

      This first devotion ties into the last devotion of my human services class I just finished. God uses us and gives us all some kind of gift or talent. God hasn’t given me the gift or talent of money, wealth, singing, preaching, or anything like that. What God has given me and expects me to use is my gift of prayer. I love to pray and I am good at praying for others. I spend several hours a day in prayer. Prayer is so powerful and wonderful and I have seen the results of prayer so many times in my life. What people tend to forget is that God always answers our prayers. God answers prayer in the way that He sees fit sometimes and not how we want it answered or what we were expecting. God has used me in this spectacular way far more than I could have ever expected or dreamed of. I don’t get fame or recognition from prayer and sometimes I wonder why God answered a prayer the way He did, but I am doing what God has called me to do and I do it willingly because I know what my reward, in the end, will be!

      • #85128

        I love that you tied these 2 devotions together. I loved that you are good at praying too. That’s definitely a gift. ~Dr. Anthony

    • #85048
      Marcena Davis

      What a powerful reminder that God uses small and seemingly insignificant things to accomplish His plans and purposes. John the Baptist may have been seen as a vagabond, but God chose him to introduce the Messiah and to declare the coming of the Holy Spirit.

      It’s easy to feel small and inadequate in the face of big challenges, but this passage reminds us that God can use anyone who is willing to serve Him. We don’t need to be influential or gifted in order to make a difference. All we need is a willingness to obey and a desire to follow God’s plan for our lives.

      As the passage from 1 Corinthians reminds us, God chooses the foolish and the weak things of the world to confound the wise and the strong. This is a humbling thought, but it’s also a hopeful one. No matter how small or insignificant we may feel, we can trust that God has a plan for us and that He can use us in a powerful way.

      So if you’re feeling small or insignificant today, take heart. God can use you to do great things if you’re willing to follow Him. Don’t be afraid to step out in faith and trust that He will guide you every step of the way.

      • #85129

        Hi Marcena,
        God does use anyone and everyone. No one is small. We are all here for Him. Great points. ~Dr. Anthony

    • #85293
      Kevin Mehok

      Information System Security Officer
      Week One
      Assignment #1
      WK1 Devotional
      Kevin Mehok
      This week’s devotional dives directly into Isaiah 34:16 (TLB) and I cannot help to think about the
      massive amount of knowledge that has been written in the Bible, but perhaps just as
      astonishing, how many people don’t know what is even in the Bible.
      To start things off with a bang, knowledge in all things may be considered as ‘essential’, it is
      tremendously taken for granted. We as people gravitate towards personal desire. Meaning,
      we opt to learn about the things we are interested in, or like. For example, if you like a sport,
      you will study it, learn all you can about it, and invest your time into it. If you do not like
      something, you will not make an effort to learn more.
      The brutal truth here is that Jesus is essential to a meaningful and purposeful life on earth.
      Your time here is limited, our time on earth is limited. I have learned, personally, if I don’t have
      a relationship with Christ, I am missing my purpose.
      I am challenging my classmates to answer with real research the following:
      Who is God?
      Where is God?
      Does he care about you?
      The answer as to ‘who is God’ is simple: He is everything. He is everywhere, and in everything
      all at once. God is the Creator, the Maker of all things. The question of whether or not He
      cares about you and me, well, yes, He does. We were made in His image. He has provided us
      with life and all that we need. He did not have to make us, but He did so because He loves us.
      In-closing, God is beyond my words. My thoughts, and far beyond my comprehension. I am
      honored to serve Him and honor Him.
      That’s all I’ve got.
      God Bless,

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