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OCU C)ISSO D Devotion 03

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    • #84191
      Manny Varela

      MARK 3 –  DIVISION

      “And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand. And if Satan rise up against himself, and be divided, he cannot stand, but hath an end.” Mark 3:24-27

      Division is happening everywhere. There is division in the workplace, boss against the employee; In the family, wife against husband, father against mother, children against parents. There is division, even in the house of God, Christian against fellow Christian, pastor against the presbyterian, the presbyterian against the congregation. There is division almost everywhere and with nearly everyone. And the source of this division is no other than satan himself. satan is the accuser, the deceiver, the enemy of man’s souls, the destroyer of relationships, and ultimately, he is attempting to divide the church of God, the body of Christ.

      Although Satan is doing everything he can to destroy the creation of God, specifically the house of God, meaning while satan is doing whatever he can to destroy the church, he is already destined to fail and to fail miserably. Why? Because Jesus said, “I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.” My friend, Satan will fail. Period.



      Satan is in the camp, dividing the hearts of families, friends, and acquaintances.

      satans obsession with dividing means one thing, break the saints, and destroy the church. Breaking the unity of the body means less power in prayer, less power in the saint’s ministry, and less power to fight sin – a power we need to overcome lust, covetous, self-centrality, anger, depression, bitterness, and every moral evil the flesh has been plagued with.

      My friend, be of good cheer for the church cannot be divided. Not even the most feared enemy of our souls can change this. Therefore, let us look up and keep our hope in Him that will never disappoint. RPF

    • #85256
      Marcena Davis

      Reading this passage from the Gospel of Mark, I am reminded of the importance of unity in every aspect of life. The passage states that if a kingdom, a house, or even Satan himself is divided, it cannot stand. Division can bring destruction, chaos, and even death. It is no wonder that Satan, who seeks to destroy all that is good, is obsessed with causing division among people.

      This passage expresses sorrow over the existence of disunity in different spheres of life, such as households, workplaces, and even within religious communities. Satan seeks to divide us because he knows that a united front is stronger than a divided one. When we are divided, we are weaker, less effective, and less able to fight against the evils that plague us.

    • #85291
      Kevin Mehok

      IST3100 Informaon Systems Security Officer
      Week Three
      Assignment #1
      WK3 Devoonal
      Kevin Mehok
      I love that this week’s devotional is based on Romans 10:9. I am not completely convinced that we
      cannot believe anything into existence. For example, we can believe in ourselves to accomplish a goal,
      but the goal is not real until we reach it or achieve it. Does this make sense class?
      I wrestled a bit with the core point of this devotional because I do not think that it is impossible to
      believe anything into existence. The devotional suggested that ‘The Gospel’ did not come into being
      because men or women believed it. While, sure some of that is true, but we must trust and believe
      that this is the word of God. The tomb was not emptied of Christ’s body that first Easter because
      some faithful persons believed it; again true, but I personally did not see the tomb, but I believe this
      story to be true. This devotional explains the fact preceded the faith; honestly, this can be argued
      either way. I also am not 100% convinced that we are psychologically incapable of believing without
      an object of our faith. I proudly believe in a God that I have never seen. I believe in my God via
      faith, not of an object. The point of the devotional boiled down to the object of Christian faith is
      Christ. As a theology graduate, I am not comfortable referring to Christ as an object. Instead, I
      believe that He is God in the Flesh. While the Devotional states that faith means more than an
      intellectual assent to the claims of Christ; again, true but God cannot be intellectual understood. We
      can only comprehend at a level of human comprehension. We are not God, nor can explain fully the
      power of God. Forgive me, but furthermore the devotional stated we are not called upon to believe
      something that is not credible, but to believe in the fact of history that in reality transcends all
      history. Hmmm, I do know if I agree with this theory either. You see, there is historical evidence of
      Jesus Christ. While, the term faith actually means surrender, it does not mean completely to deny
      logic, and/or commitment to the claims of Christ. If fact, faith at times makes more sense than
      science. For example, NASA recently sent the greatest space camera/telescope in space yet. They
      discovered this ‘black matter’ beyond the realm of Pluto and scientists were able to see things that
      they never saw before. Thus, everything in terms of gravity, the solar system, is in question. In fact,
      physicists are more confused now than they were prior to this discovery. Humans, yes, us humans,
      we do not know Christ through the five physical senses, but we know Him through the sixth sense
      that God has given every man—the ability to believe. Therefore, faith in moments throughout our
      lives will make more sense than science. It is faith that generates hope. Hope again is not something
      we can see, hold, or keep like an object.
      I appreciate this devotional, but I think it is safe to say, that the author’s opinion may have missed
      the mark for Romans 10:9.
      God Bless,

    • #85367
      Kelly Crooks

      What a great passage from the book of Mark. Satan is always out to do whatever he can to get those who Believe in Christ to turn away from Him and go his way. I saw this happen in a church I attended for thirty years. Satan got into the church leadership and some of the congregation and tore the church in half. Satan is powerful and he has his ways to get his dirty work done, but Christ is stronger and more powerful to bring people together and unite them. While Satan can divide those in the world, God has the ability and strength to unite those families, co-workers, churches, and nations again. We must be strong, trust in Christ, and have faith that He will unite us all again. With this unity will come peace and love that He wants for all of us. We can’t give up hope and we must continue to fight and pray that that unity comes soon. In my thirty-six years of being a Christian and trusting in God, He has never let me down a single time and I have never been disappointed by hIm.

    • #85639

      Wonderful devotions everyone. We must be strong and know that Jesus is always with us.

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