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OCU C)ISSO D Discussion Lesson 10

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    • #65756
      Jessica Jagerson

      Explain the firewall characteristics and types.  Use examples from the text, video, and at least one additional reference.  Explain why firewalls are important for a security officer to know.

    • #85254
      Marcena Davis

      Week 3 Lesson 10:
      Explain the firewall characteristics and types. Use examples fro12m the text, video, and at least one additional reference. Explain why firewalls are important for a security officer to know.

      Firewalls are an essential part of network security, acting as a barrier between a trusted internal network and an untrusted external network. Firewalls filter traffic based on predefined rules and policies that determine what traffic is allowed or blocked. Firewalls have several characteristics, including:

      • Packet filtering: This type of firewall examines individual packets of data and makes decisions based on the source and destination addresses, port numbers, and protocol type.
      • Stateful inspection: This type of firewall keeps track of the state of network connections and only allows traffic that is part of an established connection.
      • Application-level gateway: This type of firewall examines traffic at the application layer and can make decisions based on specific applications or services.
      • Next-generation firewall: This type of firewall includes advanced features such as intrusion prevention, deep packet inspection, and application awareness.

      For example, in the text “CIS SO – Volume 2”, it is explained that packet-filtering firewalls are the most common type of firewall and are typically implemented at the perimeter of a network. This type of firewall can filter traffic based on the source and destination IP addresses, port numbers, and protocol type. Stateful inspection is another type of firewall that is commonly used in conjunction with packet filtering.

      In the video “CIS SO – Lesson 10: Network Protocols and Devices”, they explain that firewalls can also be classified based on their location within the network. A firewall can be implemented as a software application on an individual computer, as a dedicated hardware device, or as a virtual machine. Firewalls can also be implemented in different network topologies, such as a perimeter-based firewall, where the firewall is placed at the boundary between the internal and external network, or a host-based firewall, where the firewall is installed on individual hosts.

      Firewalls are important for a security officer to know because they are a critical component of network security. A security officer needs to understand how firewalls work, the different types of firewalls, and how to configure and manage them effectively to ensure the security and reliability of the network. Firewalls can help prevent unauthorized access to the network, block malicious traffic, and provide a layer of defense against attacks. A security officer must regularly assess the network and implement appropriate firewall rules and policies to mitigate security risks and ensure the security and reliability of the network.

      • #85394
        Kelly Crooks

        Marcena, great explanation of what a firewall is, the characteristics of a firewall, and the different types of firewalls. Until I started studying computer IT I knew what a firewall was and what its basic task was, but I didn’t know exactly how they worked and how many different types there were. I found your explanation and example of how firewalls can be classified based on their location interesting. I have used firewalls on my store computers but not to the extent that they are truly designed for. I will be looking at changing the type of firewall I currently use.

    • #85356
      Kelly Crooks

      According to Lesson 10 in the CIS SO- volume 2 firewalls are used block traffic as per security rules, provide transparent protection to internal users, and provide different functionalities and protection levels. In simple terms, a firewall is a security system designed to prevent unauthorized access into or out of a computer network. Firewalls are often used in making sure that internet users who do not have access to private networks can’t get in. A firewall is the first line of defense and provides access control. Firewalls are usually used in conjunction with other perimeter defenses.

      There are many types of firewalls on the market today. One is Generation One or packet filtering, which screens routers with a set of Access Control Lists. Packet Filtering is the simplest and least expensive type of firewall. Access decisions are based on network and transport layer header information. Packet Filtering is best used in low-risk environments.

      Generation Two or Proxy firewalls act as an “agent” between trusted and untrusted entities. With Proxy firewalls there is no direct communication taking place between the client and the server. A proxy firewall converts public addresses to internal addresses and internal addresses to a public addresses. A proxy firewall’s IP address is exposed to the outside of the network. There are two versions of a proxy firewall, Application-Layer Proxy, and Circuit-Level Proxy.

      Generation Three or stateful firewalls make access decisions based on IP addresses, protocol commands, historical comparisons with previously sent packets, and the condition and content of packets. Stateful firewalls use a state engine and create and maintain a state table. Stateful firewalls can monitor the connection between connection-oriented and connectionless protocols.

      Generation Four or Dynamic Packet-Filtering firewalls use a combination of application fixes and stateful inspection firewalls. They dynamically change filtering rules based on several different factors.

      Generation Five or Kernal Proxy firewall software run on kernels (protected ring) of a system. Kernal Proxy firewalls have direct integration with the operating system and are faster than application-level proxies because the processing is taking place at the core of the operating system.

      Understanding how firewalls work, the different kinds, implementation, and how to manage them are vital to a security officer’s job. Understanding how they work and how to use them will help the security officer keep the data safe, mitigate loss and be more informed about what a firewall does. Understanding how a firewall works and what its purpose is will help to maintain the integrity of the network and make sure that things run smoothly and safely. Along with the understanding and knowledge of firewalls, making sure that the correct protocols are in place should there be data loss or a breach will benefit not only the security officer but the data and usage of the organization that they are working for.

      • #85391
        Marcena Davis

        It’s interesting to learn about the different types of firewalls available in the market, including Generation One or packet filtering, Generation Two or Proxy firewalls, Generation Three or stateful firewalls, Generation Four or Dynamic Packet-Filtering firewalls, and Generation Five or Kernel Proxy firewall software.

        As you rightly pointed out, understanding how firewalls work and how to use them is vital for a security officer’s job. They play a crucial role in keeping data safe and mitigating loss, and having the correct protocols in place is essential in case of a data loss or breach.
        I appreciate your emphasis on the importance of understanding firewalls to maintain the integrity of the network and keep things running safely.

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