Mile2 Cybersecurity Certifications

Cybersecurity Certifications

OCU C)ISSO D Discussion Lesson 12

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    • #65752
      Jessica Jagerson

      This chapter discusses system threats.  Which threat could harm an organization the most?  Explain the threat and why you chose this threat as the most detrimental to an organization.  What should a security officer do to help prevent this threat?

    • #85343
      Marcena Davis

      The chapter discusses system threats and raises the question of which of these threats could potentially cause the most damage to an organization. It’s a difficult question to answer, as all system threats can have serious consequences for a company, but I believe that the most dangerous threat is that of a cyber-attack.

      A cyber-attack can cause significant damage to an organization in various ways. A successful cyber-attack can result in the theft of sensitive information such as client data, financial records, and intellectual property. The financial impact of such an attack can be severe, with a company potentially facing lawsuits, loss of reputation, and even bankruptcy. Additionally, a cyber-attack can also damage an organization’s systems, causing downtime and loss of productivity.

      To prevent cyber-attacks, a security officer should implement robust security measures, such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and anti-virus software. Regular security audits, penetration testing, and employee training can also help identify vulnerabilities and minimize the risk of an attack. It’s important to keep up to date with the latest threats and take proactive steps to mitigate them.

      A cyber-attack poses a severe threat to an organization, and security officers must be vigilant in their efforts to prevent such attacks. By implementing strong security measures and staying up to date with the latest threats, a security officer can help protect the company from potential harm.

      • #85396
        Kelly Crooks

        MArcena, I thought the same thing when I read the question, it is hard to identify one specific threat that could have serious consequences for a company, as you said they all can. I agree that cyber-attacks cause significant damage to a company or organization. There are some companies or organizations that make it too easy to steal their information or data. I think that if cybercriminals are determined enough to steal that information they will stop at nothing to get it.

        I agree one hundred percent with your ways that a security officer can help to mitigate or stop the loss of crucial data and information. Making sure those protocols and policies are in place is critical but also like you mentioned making sure they are tested on a regular basis helps to ensure safety. I think sometimes a company or business thinks its systems are secure and get complacent with what they have and forgets to test the systems. Then when something happens they don’t understand how or why it happened. It doesn’t do any good to have the right security measures in place if they fail at the time they are needed.

    • #85366
      Kelly Crooks

      I choose a compromise from within. This kind of threat happens when users with certain privileges misuse those permissions. A compromise form within is the unauthorized disclosure, modification, substitution, or use of sensitive data, or the unauthorized modification of a security-related system, device, or process to gain unauthorized access.

      I chose this kind of system threat because I feel that having unauthorized access to data can not only harm the organization it was stolen from, but other people, nations, and the ones who stole the information. Take the leaked or stolen information from the Pentagon that the young serviceman took. He had access and security clearance to that information. He was not only trusted by the Pentagon but by top military officials as well. Whatever his reasons were he decided to steal that information, take it home and copy it and then share it on the internet. I think this kind of threat can harm an organization because it comes from trusted individuals that are working for the organization. Unless that individual shows signs of strange behavior or is asking a lot of questions, an organization might never see the threat coming, let alone expect it.

      As a security officer would need to have the right security measures and protocols in place and make sure that they are implemented in the best possible way. Measures such as firewalls, making it so you can’t download or print sensitive material, no personal devices while at work on the job, security cameras, and security training. I would even go as far as checking people’s backpacks, coats, briefcases, etc when leaving a particular organization or government facility.

    • #85386
      Marcena Davis

      I completely agree with you that having unauthorized access to sensitive data can cause severe harm not only to the organization but also to people, nations, and even the ones who stole the information.

      The example you provided about the young serviceman who leaked classified information from the Pentagon highlights the importance of having robust security measures in place. It’s alarming to think that someone who was trusted by the organization and had top-level security clearance could commit such a breach of security.

      As you suggested, implementing measures such as firewalls, restricting the downloading and printing of sensitive material, prohibiting personal devices while at work, and security training can go a long way in mitigating the risks of a compromise from within. Additionally, I agree with your idea of checking people’s backpacks, coats, and briefcases before they leave a particular organization or government facility. It might seem like a bit of an inconvenience, but it’s a necessary measure to ensure that sensitive information doesn’t leave the premises.

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