Mile2 Cybersecurity Certifications

Cybersecurity Certifications

OCU C)NP A Week 03 Lesson 06 Discussion

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    • #66089
      Jessica Jagerson

      Provide at least two major goals and two major threats organizations are facing.

    • #89952
      Aaron Elliott

      Two major goals of organizations today would be to reduce risk as much as possible. There will always be security risks, but time and money play a role in how secure a company can make their data. The second goal is assisting productivity with new and innovative technologies. The goal is to implement new devices or software without compromising security by doing so.

      Organization face threats from many fronts, the most common being human error, and malicious attacks. Human error come into play when associates accidently let malware into the network from phishing emails or other malicious attacks. Also, human error can be attributed to access creep, where an individual has elevated privileges as an oversight to remove the non-needed access. Malicious attacks can be in the form of DDOS attacks or holding company data hostage for ransom from the victim company.

      • #89961
        Ashly Jackson

        I agree with you, and you have clearly made your points. One of the most common threats faced by organization employees with a negative approach. Remember; nothing can harm an organization more than unfaithful employees. Believe me, employees who attend the office just to earn their salaries are in fact the biggest threat to an organization.

    • #89960
      Ashly Jackson

      An insider threat occurs when individuals close to an organization who have authorized access to its network intentionally or unintentionally misuse that access to negatively affect the organization’s critical data or systems. Careless employees who do not follow their organizations’ business rules and policies cause insider threats. For example, they may inadvertently email customer data to external parties, click on phishing links in emails or share their login information with others. Contractors, business partners and third-party vendors are the source of other insider threats.
      Some insiders intentionally bypass security measures out of convenience or ill-considered attempts to become more productive. Malicious insiders intentionally elude cybersecurity protocols to remove data, steal data to sell or exploit later, disrupt operations, or otherwise harm the business. Viruses and worms are malicious software programs (malware) aimed at destroying an organization’s systems, data, and network. A computer virus is malicious code that replicates by copying itself to another program, system, or host file. It remains inactive until someone activates it, either intentionally or accidentally, and spreads without the knowledge or permission of the user or system administrator.
      Computer worms are self-replicating programs, meaning they do not need to copy themselves into a host program and do not require human intervention to spread. Its main function is to infect other computers while remaining active on the infected system. Worms often spread automatically and through parts of the operating system that are invisible to the user. Once a worm enters your system, it immediately begins replicating and infecting computers and networks that are not properly protected.

      • #90014

        These are all very good examples of threats to cyber security that a company may face. Worms are quite scary given the fact that they can reproduce without a host to feed off of. This could allow them to potentially spread through multiple devices before the initial victim could figure out what had happened. In addition, careless employees could cause companies to suffer severe damage through no malicious actions. Just general incompetence could cause security threats that require serious retribution to fix. Great post, I agree with all of your points and you articulated them clearly.

    • #90011

      A major goal that companies want to achieve is to reduce the risk of their cyber security being compromised. If that were to happen, the majority of a company’s sensitive information would be vulnerable to bad actors. Another goal that companies seek to attain is a strong defense against cyber attacks that are bound to happen. There will be no shortage of hackers or malicious individuals who want to gain access to a companies money or information that they could sell on a black market.
      Threats that companies face can come in all shapes and sizes. The first threat is the trojan horse virus. This piece of malware masquerades as a friendly or legit piece of data or information, often in the form of an email. And when it is interacted with the virus will spring into action and infect the users device. The Zeus virus is particularly dangerous trojan horse virus that can spread through email servers undetected. A second threat that a company can find themselves up against is social engineering. This type of cyber attack takes place on the human level and requires bad actors to manipulate individuals to give them access to sensitive information. This be as benign to asking for favors consistently to eventually get one big favor or brash manipulation by charismatic hackers. Through proper preventative measures and security protocols being in place, companies can scan for potential virus hiding in spam emails and be able to resist social engineering of people who only want to cause harm.

      • #90142
        Amy Hastings

        You did an excellent job on listing major goals and threats in the tech industry. I also agree that they would want to reduce risks of cyber security being compromised. With the threats you listed, the cyber attack is very good to list here as it does give hackers personal and important info. Great job!

      • #90270
        Aaron Elliott

        I have not worked in an IT environment, but I have witnessed the carnage phishing emails can do to family members. My family member had all their devices connected to their network infected and all personal information stolen and used for fraudulent purchases. This attack on a corporate network would be a serious issue.

    • #90141
      Amy Hastings

      Some major goals would be to have a higher or more improved customer service experience with the products. It would have more sales and be good for the businesses. Another would be to save money and to make sure that the systems are secure. Keeping the systems secure will always be a number one goal for any type of business as it allows information to be kept safe and from being stolen or hacked.

      Some major threats would be viruses as having a virus on your device can lead to serious problems for your device such as, your information being stolen or you getting hacked and your device failing. You must be cautious and secure to prevent your device from any hacker or viruses. Ransomware is another major threat, it is one of the worst because it can cost the organization to use a lot of money because hackers can get into the device to do a ransom attack. This is a common threat to the tech network industries as it has been happening for years, causing businesses to fail and to lose millions of dollars.

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