Mile2 Cybersecurity Certifications

Cybersecurity Certifications

OCU C)NP A Week 04 Lesson 08 Discussion

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    • #66077
      Jessica Jagerson

      Explain at least three differences between a virtual and a cloud environment.

    • #90378
      Ashly Jackson

      Clouds deliver the added benefits of self-service access, automated infrastructure scaling, and dynamic resource pools, which most clearly distinguish it from traditional virtualization. In short, virtualization creates simulated versions of a machine’s software or hardware components, while cloud computing is a model that enables users to access a shared pool of resources conveniently. Virtualization can be part of the cloud, but cloud computing itself is an entire infrastructure built around supporting online access to applications, services, and data. As long as a provider is enabling access to resources, compute power, and/or applications through an online pathway, they’re using cloud computing. In a nutshell, virtualization is a technology that uses software to create virtual versions of a machine’s software and hardware components. Clouds are IT environments that utilize virtualization and then make those software and hardware components accessible on-demand. Simply put, the difference between on-premise vs cloud software is the location. On-premise software is installed and runs on a company’s own hardware infrastructure, and is hosted locally, whereas cloud software is stored and managed on the provider’s servers, and accessed through a web browser or other interface. It can be defined as the centralized storage of a distributed virtualized environment where a wide range of remote servers allow computer services and resources to be accessed online. A private cloud, however, is single-tenant. A private cloud is a cloud service offered only to one organization. A Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is a private cloud within a public cloud. No one else will share the VPC with her VPC customers. – Cloud computing separates applications from the hardware, while virtualization separates the operating system from the underlying hardware. -Cloud computing provides services for web-based access, and virtualization provides services for data access through virtualized Internet connections. On desktop systems, all software updates are applied individually to each computer, so some older programs or versions may be in use. In contrast, cloud-based systems are updated centrally, so everyone has the latest version.

      • #90623
        Aaron Elliott

        The cloud allows access from almost anywhere with proper credentials, as the service is hosted offsite regardless, allowing ease of access and limitless amount of user access, whereas virtual machines only limited users can access at a time. Virtual machines give users more control over security, whereas the cloud security is reliant on the cloud provider to update and maintain policies.

    • #90379
      Amy Hastings

      A virtual environment is where the virtualizations give off simulated things in a computers software, meaning it is a fa2e version of the real thing. It makes it look like and act like one thing but in reality is not real.

      Cloud environment is where you can share or combine different resources all through only one network. Cloud computing is also the place that apps and such run and work through, they are a place where data is accessible and with cloud computing there are three types including, private which is meaning only one single place can have access to it. Then you got public cloud computing which means it can be used in different places or a locally wide server. The last one is a hybrid cloud and this is used to keep confidential information and data secure.

      • #90596
        Ashly Jackson

        Great explanations and users get confused between virtualization and cloud computing. While virtualization and cloud computing both create useful environments, there are key differences the two technologies. Virtualization enables you to create many simulated environments on a single physical hardware and clouds are complete IT environments that abstract, combine, and share resources across a network.

    • #90453
      Aaron Elliott

      A virtualized environment is multiple environments running independently of each other. These environments are sharing the same hardware in the single device. changes made to one environment are contained to that unique environment.

      Cloud environments are a single pool of resources that can be accessed through typically a portal and are tailored to the needs of the time of use. These resources can be used from almost anywhere as long as an internet connection is available.

      A virtual environment costs more to expand, as more hardware is required to effectively add more virtual environments, taking up more physical space on the property as well. Cloud environments can be quickly expanded and add more storage as necessary.

      • #90658
        Amy Hastings

        You put great examples and great explanations in this discussion. There are a lot of differences between cloud and virtual environments, this is well put.

      • #90700

        These examples are nice and concise. They’re very easy to understand and convey your idea excellently. You seem to be quite knowledgeable on cloud computing and virtualization.

    • #90699

      A virtualized environment allows users to access simulated versions of computer technology and interacts with physical computing technology using a NIC. A cloud computing environment is a pool of resources that mulitple users can access at any given time.
      Virtualized networks are laid over a companies existing infrastructure and is provided by the company themselves. A cloud computing environment is completely off site and is provided by the company that runs the cloud computing service.
      Cloud computing environments are also virtual by nature but their main difference is that cloud computing services are on demand unlike virtual machines.

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