Mile2 Cybersecurity Certifications

Cybersecurity Certifications

OCU C)NP A Week 05 Lesson 10 Discussion

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    • #66065
      Jessica Jagerson

      Provide at least three Network design policies critical for network planning.

    • #90758
      Aaron Elliott

      A password policy would be an important policy to implement. Weak passwords can be an easy entry point for bad actors, through simple methods hackers can brute force into a network if passwords are to short and simple. A password policy forces a more complex password and can force a regular password change in certain intervals.

      Mobile device policies can be tailored to security or cost savings. By associates bringing their own device that reduces company expense but has a higher risk of security breaches. Corporate owned would be more expensive but the business has full control of the device.

      Remote access policies can determine what is acceptable for those at home or abroad. Considerations to what data they can print and have on hand at home or in non-business areas. Along with how they access the network, including what geological locations are permitted.

      • #90762
        Ashly Jackson

        You have written valid points which are extremely helpful to understand even more. A well panned networking ensures consistent high performance, translating into seamless experiences for end users. Capacity planning helps identify areas that need additional resources or bandwidth, empowering you to optimize application delivery and cut down on latency.

      • #91116
        Amy Hastings

        Amazing points and policies included in your discussion. The password changing is a huge one today as a ton of people get hacked everyday due to this simple mistake. Remote access is also a good one as it includes people at home or on the go, and you make a great point in explaining everything in this discussion amazingly!

    • #90761
      Ashly Jackson

      The three networking policies are users changing their passwords on a regular basis. Attackers can often work out the new password if they have the old one. And users, forced to change another password, will often choose a ‘weaker’ one that they do not forget. A hacker may attempt to access your account more than once over a period. Changing your password often reduces the risk that they will have frequent access. Second is users cannot connect unauthorized equipment to the network, such as USB memory sticks, smartphones, and tablets. The most well-known security risk associated with USB flash devices arises when the device is misplaced and 90 percent of employees utilize USB drives in the workplace, they are an attractive target for cybercriminals. Lastly, level of access is given, which allows only authorized users to access sensitive data and a regular backup procedure is in place. They are also known as security labels, permissions, roles, rights, or privileges. Access levels are often used to determine whether someone should be able to view certain documents or perform certain tasks.

    • #91115
      Amy Hastings

      Security features on the device is one networking policy as many people have weak passwords and this makes is so much easier for a hacker to login to your device and hack all your information and to gain access. This is why it is recommended for users to update their passwords often.

      Another would be the availability to the network from the device. You must have availability to a good strong network to do anything online. It is also important to have excellent connection access that is commonly reached through the network redundancy features.

      Lastly, I would say that performance is a good policy in network planning. Good performance helps with almost everything on a device, because it runs everything at a great speed and you would have a smooth running device. Performance also helps apps and the web search go a lot faster than having a slow or weak performance.

      • #91304

        These are all very good points for network planning. Especially the changing of passwords to prevent information theft. Availability is important for any business trying to offer services online in a reasonable manner, not everyone has the patience for 90’s era internet. A high performance device is the best choice to make when planning for a network for a business as you can stay competitive and efficient in your work.

    • #91303

      When designing a network it is important to follow a logical network design plan and cross reference it with the physical network design plan in order to streamline the setup. There is nothing worse when designing a network than cable management being an after thought as this makes maintenance harder than it should be.
      A second important design aspect is defense in depth. Redundant firewalls, password changes, and separation of duties can prevent sensitive data from falling into the wrong hands.
      Lastly, when designing a network, understanding the scope of your network and its scalability will save many headaches in the future. It is important to know what kind of network it will be, the bandwidth needed and if you will use virtualization, traditional networking, or pay for a cloud service for your network. These are all important decisions to make when designing a network.

      • #91323
        Aaron Elliott

        Having a good blueprint for the network would be a big benefit in times of crisis. When a device fails or a wire need traced to resolve an issue, especially in a critical failure, having a reference to speed the process up would be valuable. Protection from a company’s own associates, through password policies and separation of duties is critical in defending a network.

    • #91310
      Joseph Doss

      Need to know policy in order to keep important data from those who do not need access to it. May help in setting up VLANs

      A mobile device policy should be in place (provided the company intends on using mobile devices) would need to know if VPNs are being used or not, a remote access policy would also tie in to this.

      Technical standards policy in order to ensure that all devices can easily communicate and to provide a more standardized environment so less training would be needed.

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