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OCU C)SP A Week 01 Devotion


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    • #86559
      Manny Varela


      “But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. 21 She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” Matthew 1:20-21

      The person, Jesus the Christ is likely the most controversial figure in the history of man. Controversial because the Christian movement has historically amassed billions of followers by a person some say never existed. Although some hold to this view, many more believe that Jesus did exist, but believe He was not God, that He was merely just a very good man. This ideology only deepens the mystery of the Christian movement as the religion is centered around a man who was not only impeccable in nature (sinless) but claims to be born of God.

      Such controversy demands our greatest attention. Who is Jesus and what makes Him different than any other man in history?

      Matthew understood that before any question could be answered that he first needed to establish Jesus’s undeniable genealogy. In doing so, Matthew was able to not only silence His critics but was able to unveil a startling truth in Matthews introduction.  That although Jesus was physically born from Mary, She was not impregnated by the seed of Joseph but the seed of the Holy Spirit. When the angel of God disclosed this mystery to Mary, the angel explained to her that “the Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.”

      In doing so, Jesus would not inherit the Adamic nature, or as some scholars understand it, the sinful nature of Adam. Instead, Jesus would possess the nature of God; “holy, undefiled and free from any sin whatsoever.”

      This revelation is one of the cornerstones to the Christian faith. Why may you ask? Because God demands sin to be paid for.  And God will not cease from His judgment until a sinless offering is given. Jesus became that “sin” offering over 2000 years ago for the transgressions you and I could not pay.


      Because we are born in sin, from the Adamic line, we are not only “plagued” by sin, but we have the sentence of death linger over our head. Christ came to save us and pay for Gods righteous demand.

      As we venture to understand who Jesus is, I would urge you to contemplate questions such as: Who do you say Jesus is? What does He mean to you? And what will you do with Him? Will you receive Him as your Lord and Savior, or will you deny Him and perish forever in your sins?

      And if you do know Jesus as your personal savior, I would like to challenge you with questions such as:

      What have you done with the Lord since your salvation day? Are you exercising your spiritual gifts daily? Have you been growing in His word through reading and interfacing with the saints of God?

      There is so much to learn and so much Joy we can experience in this gloomy world. Please Join me on this incredible journey to discover Jesus in all His glories. I promise you; He will change your life, forever!

    • #88096
      Syerra Metzler

      I grew up is a Christian home and I love to learn about all of the amazing things that the Lord has done in the past and how He moves in today’s world. Becoming a Christian is a huge commitment and requires a lot of faith. While I have had my hard times and rough season, the love and faith that I have for the Lord has been constant and never ending. Ever since I have declared that Jesus is my Lord and savior, I have done all that I can to walk just like Him. I know that I am not perfect, but I can do the little things like being kind to those who are having a hard time, listening to others, and praying every day. I truly believe that the Lord has used me in order to save other people’s lives spiritually and physically by just being a trusting person that anyone can talk to and keep their personal issues private. I do struggle with reading the Bible. However, I have been reading The Women of the Bible Speak by Shannon Bream because I want the be the best daughter of Christ that I can be.

      • #88620

        Welcome to the course!

        How do you like the book, “The Women of the Bible Speak”?

    • #88752
      Marcena Davis

      I recall, as a child, trying to assemble a challenging jigsaw puzzle. After hours of searching, there was one piece I couldn’t find. Just as I was about to give up, mother pointed out that the piece was right under my nose. But it looked different from how I’d imagined. This experience taught me that sometimes the answers or clarity we’re searching for might be right in front of us. It often requires a fresh perspective or a helpful nudge to recognize it. Just as that puzzle piece was crucial to completing the picture, understanding Jesus’s divine nature is central to grasping the Christian faith.

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