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Cybersecurity Certifications

OCU C)SP A Week 01 Lesson 03 Discussion


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    • #86566
      Manny Varela

      Discuss some of the potential risks associated with mobile devices for 2022 and how they can potentially affect mobile device users.

    • #88114
      Marcena Davis

      Mobile devices have become deeply integrated into our daily lives, but with their increasing capabilities and familiarity come a host of potential risks. Some of the potential risks associated with mobile devices in 2022 and their impact on users are:

      1. Data Breaches and Privacy Concerns:

      Risk: Mobile apps often request permissions to access various features of a device, such as contacts, photos, or location. Some apps can misuse these permissions or become targets for hackers.
      Impact: Personal and sensitive information can be stolen and misused, leading to privacy violations and potential financial loss.

      2. Malware and Phishing Attacks:

      Risk: Mobile malware has become sophisticated, and phishing attacks tailored for mobile users, often through messaging apps or SMS, have become prevalent.
      Impact: Users can unintentionally install malicious software that can steal data, spy on them, or render their devices unusable.

      3. Insecure Wi-Fi and Network Threats:

      Risk: Connecting to open or insecure Wi-Fi networks exposes mobile devices to potential eavesdropping or “Man-in-the-Middle” attacks.
      Impact: Sensitive information like login credentials, personal messages, or financial data can be intercepted.

      4. Physical Theft or Loss:

      Risk: The portability of mobile devices makes them susceptible to being lost or stolen.
      Impact: Beyond the loss of the device itself, there’s a risk of unauthorized access to the personal and professional data stored on it.

      5. Outdated Software:

      Risk: Not all devices receive timely software updates, leaving them vulnerable to known exploits.
      Impact: Hackers can take advantage of these vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access or control of the device.

      6. Over-reliance on Biometrics:

      Risk: While biometric features like facial recognition and fingerprints offer convenience, they’re not infallible.
      Impact: If compromised, unlike passwords, biometric data can’t be changed, making it a lasting security concern.

      7. App Store Threats:

      Risk: Not all apps on official app stores are vetted adequately, and third-party app stores might harbor malicious applications.
      Impact: Downloading and installing malicious apps can lead to data breaches, loss of money, or device compromise.

      8. IoT Vulnerabilities:

      Risk: As mobile devices increasingly interface with other connected devices, they’re exposed to the vulnerabilities of the broader Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem.
      Impact: A breach in one connected device can potentially expose all devices on the same network.

      To combat these risks, users in 2022 and beyond should be educated about the potential dangers and best practices, such as regularly updating software, scrutinizing app permissions, avoiding suspicious downloads, and using secure networks. By understanding these challenges and taking preventive measures, mobile device users can better secure themselves in an interconnected digital world.

      Osborne, Charlie. “Here Are the Top Phone Security Threats in 2022 and How to Avoid Them.” ZDNET, 23 July 2022,

      • #88630
        Syerra Metzler

        Hello Marcena,

        Great work on this post as well. There are so many ways that people can get attacked on their mobile devices. I like that you pointed out the data breaches as those are one of the worst risks that anyone who uses any type of electronic device (which everyone now a day uses) can have their identity stolen. Identity theft is one of the ways that attackers can take advantage of the information that is being given through apps and websites. Great work.

    • #88629
      Syerra Metzler

      There are many ways that mobile devices can be attacked, especially with the technology advancement in 2022. One of the most common potential risks that are associated with mobile devices for 2022 are malicious apps. Tic Toc, for example, is one of the most common and well known apps in the world. However, the app has been accused of spying on the American people. The American’s claim is that the Chinese government has been using to app, Tic Toc, to collect data off of the mobile device that the user is on. If there is any app that is collecting data and information from the user, then their information can be taken and sold on the black web for malicious intent like identity fraud. Another risk that all mobile device users have to be aware of are phishing attacks. These are usually emails that are sent to anyone that the attacker can get an address of and send the victim a malicious link. Many times, victims of these attacks are not aware that the link will lead them to malware that will allow the attack access to their information and the device that they clicked the link on.

    • #88681
      Marcena Davis

      I totally get your concerns about mobile device security in 2022. It’s alarming how malicious apps can sneak into our daily lives, and the concerns around Tic Toc are a prime example. It’s unsettling to think that personal data might end up in the wrong hands and even be sold. And don’t get me started on phishing attacks! Those sneaky emails can easily catch anyone off-guard. We all need to stay extra vigilant to keep our info and gadgets safe. Thanks for shedding light on this.

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