Mile2 Cybersecurity Certifications

Cybersecurity Certifications

OCU C)SP A Week 02 Lesson 05 Discussion

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    • #86568
      Manny Varela

      Discuss key security concerns in 2020 and how are companies/organizations responding to these security affairs.

    • #88785
      Marcena Davis

      In 2020, local governments faced major cyber threats like phishing, brute force attacks, and denial-of-service attacks. The main reasons for these attacks were ransom demands, stealing money or personal data, and hacktivism.

      To counter these threats, many started spending more on cybersecurity. They trained their employees to be aware of cyber dangers and introduced multi-factor authentication. Still, many aren’t doing enough for protection.

      To improve in 2023, organizations should:

      Use multiple security tools.
      Update software regularly.
      Prepare a plan for cyberattacks.
      Educate staff about cyber risks, including strong passwords and avoiding suspicious emails.

      Norris, Donald. “A Look at Local Government Cybersecurity in 2020.”, 14 July 2021,

    • #88798


      Great point about educating staff. My company regularly provides mandatory security training such as watching for phishing emails. Then they follow up by sending out some “test” phishing emails to see if people report it as phishing.

      • #88833
        Marcena Davis

        We have a similar approach at my job too. Regular training coupled with test phishing emails to ensure everyone’s on their toes. It’s a great way to reinforce learning and keep our data safe.

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