Mile2 Cybersecurity Certifications

Cybersecurity Certifications

OCU ISCAP A Week 04 Lesson 14 Discussion

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    • #91490
      Manny Varela

      Database security has many issues.  After reading this chapter and viewing the video, discuss 2 issues that you have experienced or heard about.  Explain the security issue and what happened.  If you have never experienced any of these issues, choose two to explain in detail giving examples of what could happen in an organization.

    • #92090
      Aaron Elliott

      Database security faces serious threats including theft of data. This would damage the company’s integrity and trust with clients and customers, potentially ruining the company. Data theft has the potential to earn a lot as the data could be very valuable to competitors or on the black market if they contain personal information. The company would be responsible to correct the breach in security, and also reimburse any lose to costumers due to the breach.

      Another common threat to all data would be from the inside, being the employees. Associates with access could be approached by competitors to acquire data that is confidential to the current company, essentially stealing data. Employees can also be compromised through bad actors in phishing emails and have their credentials stolen and giving the thieves access to the database.

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