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Jacob Mannon

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  • in reply to: OCU C)HT D Discussion Lesson 08 #95060
    Jacob Mannon

    When it comes to troubleshooting display devices there are two potential causes for concern. One of those issues could be software, or it could be the hardware. If you get a blank screen on your display for example, you should first check if your monitor is turned on. If that doesn’t work, it could be possible that the graphics driver is not the correct type, or it might be corrupt. If your display is really dark and hard to make out, you should check the brightness level and see if it is set to dim. Another cause of this issue could be that the device defaulted to a battery conservation mode that lowered your display’s brightness.

    in reply to: OCU C)HT D Discussion Lesson 07 #95054
    Jacob Mannon

    Input and output devices are essentially the embodiment of a cause effect relationship. A user inputs information via mouse, keyboard, or touchpad to then get a result on an output device such as a computer monitor. Doing this very assignment is an example of utilizing input and output devices. I am using my mouse and keyboard (input devices) to type my reply and see it on my laptop’s display screen (output device). There are also dual input-output devices like a KVM switch. This device is used to connect 2 or more monitors to a single mouse and keyboard.

    in reply to: OCU C)HT D Discussion Lesson 06 #95048
    Jacob Mannon

    Physical computer storage is a physical device used to store data and software. Some physical storage devices include things like hard drives RAID storage and compact disks. Hard drives can be solid or magnetic. RAID or Redundant Array of Independent Disks is a method of storage where multiple storage disks act as one to improve performance. Raid has multiple variations designed to improve data loss prevention. Compact disks or CD-ROM are used to store data like music. These optical drives are the most likely to have errors due to simple things like dust, fingerprints, or scratches on the disk itself.

    in reply to: OCU C)HT D Devotion 03 #95020
    Jacob Mannon

    It really is sad how mankind consistently tends to choose sin over salvation. This is something that my dad and I were talking about earlier this week. People tend to lack commitment to being a Christian. Lukewarm and backslidden Christians are a commodity in our world today. Being a Christian requires us to be ambassadors to our King! Life is full of sinful temptation, but we are called to overcome it. James 1:12 says “Blessed is the man who endures temptation, for when he has been approved he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him”. The word for “love” in the Greek that James uses is agaposin, a variation of agape. This means an unconditional, undying, selfless love. We need to love our Lord more than anyone or anything else in this world.

    in reply to: OCU C)HT D Discussion Lesson 05 #94987
    Jacob Mannon

    I think it is interesting how far we have come with RAM upgrades. We now have DDR5 RAM. Computers run much faster now than they did when I was in high school. The multitasking features are also much better

    in reply to: OCU C)HT D Discussion Lesson 04 #94986
    Jacob Mannon

    I liked your explanation of ROM and RAM. I would like to mention that in the lesson it did discuss that ROM could be upgraded but any power failing issues during the upgrade process had the potential to leave the device unusable.

    in reply to: OCU C)HT D Discussion Lesson 03 #94985
    Jacob Mannon

    I think you did a good job explaining PSU troubleshooting. Making sure that the PSU gets unplugged from other components is very important.

    in reply to: OCU C)HT D Discussion Lesson 05 #94973
    Jacob Mannon

    There are many expansion options available on the market today. Some of the most common ones are USB, HDMI, SATA, and Ethernet. There are many others, but these are some that I have had the most experience with. USB is used for so many purposes and has several configurations. USB provides a connection for charging mobile devices, using small flash drives, connecting controllers to gaming consoles and so much more. HDMI is the modern replacement to the component configuration that had the 3 colored cords for setting up things like DVD players. HDMI is also useful for sharing laptop screens to larger smart TVs. SATA is great for setting up extended storage hard drives. I personally like the Toshiba 4TB hard drive with the USB connection for broader connectivity options and affordability. Ethernet is great for setting up a direct line to your internet connection. It is typically faster than Wi-Fi and is better for gaming settings that require better connections.

    in reply to: OCU C)HT D Discussion Lesson 04 #94971
    Jacob Mannon

    The biggest difference in ROM and RAM is that one is permanent whereas the other is temporary. ROM (Read Only Memory) is permanent and does not change unless you perform a firmware upgrade. The ROM is what allows your computer to start up and perform its initial boot functions. The RAM (Random Access Memory) is only available while the computer is on and active. Once the computer is shut off the RAM resets. RAM reminds me of the movie 50 First Dates, where Drew Barrymore loses her memory every time she goes to sleep. RAM functions the same way. RAM is also more easily modified and customizable in that if you have the right set up you can change to variations of DDR (Double Data Rate) which basically increases data communicated per clock cycle.

    in reply to: OCU C)HT D Devotion 02 #94970
    Jacob Mannon

    When I was younger, I was always plagued with demonic nightmares and dreams of snakes. When I got older and learned more about spiritual things and the Bible, I realized that Satan has no power other than that which people allow him to have in their lives. Luke 10:18-20 says “And He said to them, I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Behold, I give you authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven”. Jesus tells us to rejoice that our names are written in heaven. We don’t even need to worry about Satan or his demons because we are children of God. We spend so much time as Christians worrying and giving ground in our minds when all we have to do is take advantage of the authority given to us by Jesus Christ and speak peace over ours and each other’s lives.

    in reply to: OCU C)HT D Discussion Lesson 03 #94969
    Jacob Mannon

    When it comes to troubleshooting a power supply unit, there are some things to keep in mind. You want to make sure you have the computer turned off and have all electrical cables/wires disconnected. You typically will be using a multimeter or a power supply tester to troubleshoot you PSU. Regardless of which tool you use, you will need to take the chassis apart to get to the PSU in the motherboard. You will then plug your tool into the power connector and test the voltage via a connection to a live wall outlet. Ensure that the PSU is turned on and that the voltage is appropriate. If all is well, the issue could be another power connecter or maybe a charging problem.

    in reply to: OCU C)HT D Discussion Lesson 02 #94781
    Jacob Mannon

    I agree with your statement. The CPU and motherboard are the core of computer operations. Without both of those components, the system cannot function. It is really cool how we have advanced technologically enough to have computers that can operate the way that they do. Having multiple applications running at the level of resolution that we have available now would’ve been impossible 20 years ago.

    in reply to: OCU C)HT D Discussion Lesson 01 #94780
    Jacob Mannon

    I agree with your points. Troubleshooting is definitely necessary for business operations to continue running smoothly. When technology has issues that put a stop to business production/transactions, efficiency comes to a halt. There has to be individuals that are active problem solvers and know how to troubleshoot software/equipment. I found it funny in the video lecture that when we cannot figure out how to help a user troubleshoot a problem, to just google the problem.

    in reply to: OCU C)HT D Discussion Lesson 02 #94757
    Jacob Mannon

    The motherboard and the CPU are both incredibly important pieces of the computer. The CPU is like the brain of the computer. There are varying sizes and speeds that CPUs can come in. I personally have an AMD Ryzen 5 7000 series, whereas my wife uses an Intel i7. Her CPU has more capacity to multitask than mine does. In simple terms, her computer has a bigger brain that can complete more tasks at one time. The motherboard is the housing for all the other parts of the computer. It also acts like nerves in the human body. The motherboard allows the RAM, hard drive, CPU, etc. to all communicate. The motherboard also allows for external ports such as USB, HDMI, SATA, just to name a few. The motherboard is like the body and the CPU is like the brain. They are what allow the whole system to do what it is designed to do.

    in reply to: OCU C)HT D Discussion Lesson 01 #94756
    Jacob Mannon

    Troubleshooting is the active application of the scientific method being applied in the technological field. It could also be compared to a doctor treating a patient. An I.T. professional will be presented with an issue. They must then find the source of the problem and then attempt to solve or fix the issue and hopefully prevent it from reoccurring. Recently, I had the opportunity to implement this very task. I had kept an old laptop that had slowed down horribly and wouldn’t load anything. After completing the OS systems course, I was able to do some forced restarts and updates, run the system file checker and repair corrupted files. Now my old laptop runs like it used to and I haven’t had any issues on it. Troubleshooting may not always be very straightforward. There may be times when a user has to utilize what is called the “theory of probable cause”. We may think we know what our issue is, but we need to test it to be sure. This is a process that will repeat until we can be sure that the system is back to running as it should. Then we record our findings for future problems that may occur. This is all valuable in that I am able to help solve others as well as my own technological issues and spare resources that might have otherwise been spent on new hardware/software.

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