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Joseph Doss

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  • in reply to: OCU C)NP A Week 05 Devotion #91417
    Joseph Doss

    It is very different at times to see my God-given purpose, but I do know Him. Sometimes I think I’m on the correct path but honestly don’t know, I can only pray for guidance and look to find it.

    in reply to: OCU C)NP A Week 05 Lesson 10 Discussion #91310
    Joseph Doss

    Need to know policy in order to keep important data from those who do not need access to it. May help in setting up VLANs

    A mobile device policy should be in place (provided the company intends on using mobile devices) would need to know if VPNs are being used or not, a remote access policy would also tie in to this.

    Technical standards policy in order to ensure that all devices can easily communicate and to provide a more standardized environment so less training would be needed.

    in reply to: OCU C)NP A Week 04 Devotion #90709
    Joseph Doss

    I don’t think there are any “good people” in the world. From mankind’s perspective, there are good and bad people but we are all sinners. But thanks be to God that Jesus paid for all the sins of all who believe in His name and accept Him as lord and savior.

    in reply to: OCU C)NP A Week 04 Lesson 07 Discussion #90579
    Joseph Doss

    The most basic would be to use a firewall which would block unwanted traffic from entering the network and gaining access to certain servers/computers/devices.

    The use of a DMZ for web services to separate internal private servers from those accessible online to the public such as webpages, lessens the chance of an attacker gaining access to private Information by attacking public servers.

    in reply to: OCU C)NP A Week 02 Lesson 04 Discussion #89895
    Joseph Doss

    A router acts as a bridge between two or more networks such as a WAN like the Internet and a LAN such as an office or home network. A switch essentially allows you to take a single network port from a device and divide it into multiple ports allowing you to connect many more devices into a network. There are managed and unmanaged or “dumb” switches managed switches can perform some routing support such as VLANS and can be managed remotely over the network whereas unmanaged switches have no such features.

    in reply to: OCU C)NP A Week 02 Lesson 03 Discussion #89894
    Joseph Doss

    SSH (Secure Shell) – enables remote administration of a (enabled) computer or device over a network connection, SSH runs on port 22 and is encrypted. SSH is a more secure replacement of Telent, allows the same administration of devices but is not encrypted.

    HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure)- Is an encrypted version of HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) both are used to send data over the internet such as webpages. HTTPS runs of port 443, While HTTP runs on port 80.

    SMB (Server Message Block) – Is a protocol used to share files on a local network, it runs on port 445 and port 139

    in reply to: OCU C)NP A Week 01 Devotion #89812
    Joseph Doss

    Jesus is many things but mainly I would say that Jesus is my Lord and Savior who rose from the dead after talking my sins to the cross and that He is the son of the one and only God.

    in reply to: OCU C)NP A Week 01 Lesson 02 Discussion #89772
    Joseph Doss

    Three devices include, routers, switches and modems. Routers are used both in home and business environments they have many functions but their primary function is to route data and is typically the center of a home network many home routers include functions such as firewalls and DHCP some higher end models support VLANS. A switch is a device that allows multiple devices to connect to the same router/switch/computer port by sorting out data and sending to a specific connected device. A modem is the device that connects a local network to the ISPs many of which also serve as routers in a home or small business network.

    in reply to: OCU C)NP A Week 01 Lesson 01 Discussion #89771
    Joseph Doss

    When troubleshooting always start with the simplest checks first (ex. if you have network connection issues is your router on) Check if the device or devices are properly connected to power and powered on. If so check you other connections (if network issue check your Ethernet cable or WiFi, if it’s a video issue check your monitor connection and so on) depending on your case and escalate upward into more advanced testing until you find the issue, of course tanking into account what COULD be the issue (If you keyboard isn’t working don’t check your mouse for issues) anything that could not be the issue can be automatically ruled out before continuing further.

    in reply to: OCU C)SP D Week 05 Lesson 11 Discussion #84001
    Joseph Doss

    Companies need to create data security policies in order to make data/computer usage rules enforceable. Some simple policies can include things like need to know not sharing information/passwords or user account with information not intended to receive it or not using personally owned USB devices including phone chargers in company computer systems. Other policies can include not allowing employees to use company computers for personal reasons or restricting who can bring what into specific building locations (not allowing individuals to bring cellphones or cameras into areas with secure data or information)

    in reply to: OCU C)SP D Week 04 Lesson 09 Discussion #83877
    Joseph Doss

    Cryptography is a very important part of data security, it enables us to keep data secure by encrypting it into an unreadable state keeping it safe from those who do not hold the key/password. A way that it can be used would be to encrypt a external drive, if the drive is stolen, the data remains safe due to its encryption.

    in reply to: OCU C)SP D Week 03 Devotion #83799
    Joseph Doss

    We all need to realize that we are sinners, none of us are righteous, we cannot have rightness apart from God. So we must remain humble and look to the only truly righteous person. Jesus, He alone is righteous and we must faithfully rely on Him to make us righteous as well.

    in reply to: OCU C)SP D Week 03 Lesson 07 Discussion #83767
    Joseph Doss

    Companies first need to consider the design of their networks and the level of security needed for what device(s). Once that is determined they can use technologies such as firewalls, IDS/IPS’s, VPN’s etc. as needed based on their determinations and place them on the network as needed. They should enable features and settings on the devices as needed as well in order to balance security and cost.

    in reply to: OCU C)SP D Week 02 Lesson 04 Discussion #83601
    Joseph Doss

    Separation of duties is one of OWASP security principles. It limits how much involvement project or in a business by separating important stages. This helps to prevent fraud by keeping others accountable and in check in regards to a process.

    in reply to: OCU C)SP D Week 01 Devotion #83516
    Joseph Doss

    I do follow Jesus and see Him as my personal Savior but, I do not often declare His name and I also feel that I do not follow close enough at times. I need to work out my relationship whit Him more often in order to become a more faithful believer

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 17 total)


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